KORA KONNEKT in combination with the KORA APP gives companies everything they need to effortlessly collect and report emissions data.



business travel




we have it covered


scope 3 emission reduction can boost your business’s reputation, attract new customers, cut costs and reduce turnover

Favor businesses that uphold and implement sustainable practices.
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Prefer companies that are transparent on environmental impact
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Plan to invest more in sustainability-focused enterprises
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reducing indirect supply chain emissions has been challenging

this is crucial for your business, particularly with the EU Parliament’s CSDR mandate affecting emissions reporting for 50,000 companies.

empower your business sustainability with KORA KONNEKT, your partner in scope 3 emission reduction. Join us in building a better future.


crafting strategies for Scope 3 emissions reduction


offering a tailored dashboard or API integration


providing scientifically derived measurements directly from the app


gamifying the process to incentivise meeting sustainable development goals


issuing redeemable KORAS for achievements


establishing a transparent, localised individual carbon credit

learn about how KORA can help your business with employee engagement & incentivisation around sustainability


press play and watch this video

KORA KONNEKT provides accurate and verifiable emission tracking

our commitment involves assisting businesses in measuring scope 3 emission reduction through the incentivisation of employees using KORAS

learn about report building in KORA KONNEKT


press play and watch this video

Play Video

curious what KORA is?


press play and watch this video

spend your earned KORA in our unique rewards hub with our carbon neutral point of sale

learn about our unique rewards hub


press play and watch this video

KONNEKT pricing plans

no hidden fees

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get your free trial

a full access, no obligation 1 month free trial.

just fill out the form below to get started or get more information.

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Speak to one of our sales team today