Case Study: Sustainable Development Goals with the UN

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In a day and age where the climate crisis is in full swing and human actions have widespread consequences, identifying and implementing sustainable measures into all aspects of life and business is more important than ever before.

Here at KORA, we’re proud to have partnered with the UN Action Week Campaign. Last year, we worked together to activate a global community into promoting sustainability management through the Unite To Act campaign. Keep reading as we discuss the purpose and goals of the campaign in more detail, along with the efforts we implemented along with our goals moving forwards.

The UN Action Week Campaign: What is it?

To understand the UN Action Week Campaign, let us first explain the UN’s sustainable development strategy initiatives, known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Adopted back in 2015, the United Nations introduced 17 SDGs aimed to transform the world. These are:

  1. No poverty
  2. Zero hunger
  3. Good health and wellbeing
  4. Quality education
  5. Gender equality
  6. Clean water and sanitation
  7. Affordable and clean energy
  8. Decent work and economic growth
  9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  10. Reduced inequalities
  11. Sustainable cities and communities
  12. Responsible consumption and production
  13. Climate action
  14. Life below water
  15. Life on land
  16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
  17. Partnerships for the goals

The UN SDG Action Campaign joins committed individuals, organisations and growing SDG networks to channel the power of people to act on these Goals – and inspire others to do the same. In 2023, a Global Action Week took place from the 15th to 25th September as part of the UNITE TO ACT initiative, fittingly overlapping with the UN SDG Summit.

Whilst all 17 goals are equally important to acknowledge and tackle, the week focused on five key themes in particular, these being:

  • Climate
  • Peace and Justice
  • Sustainable Food Systems
  • Gender Equality
  • Inclusion

More than 1,700 international partners were involved to mobilise (including us here at KORA!) and take action for the SDGs and inspire individuals and organisations to unite and take a definitive stance on ensuring sustainable change for all.

One of the main goals of the campaign was to demonstrate that, collectively, we are a massive force that can bring about transformative change. We wholeheartedly support this sentiment, which is why we take our role seriously in enacting sustainable measures and encouraging others to follow suit through our work.

Striving for Improved Sustainability: KORA’s Role

We’ve been a partner of the UN Action Week Campaign since 2022, implementing sustainable practices across all areas of our business whilst promoting it amongst our customers.

Here are some of the key ways we strive for improved sustainability across the world.

Sustainable Partnerships

As part of our efforts for building a global movement for sustainability management, we are always looking to partner with market-leading companies that share our vision for a brighter future through sustainable development goals, collective action and rewards.

Take a look at OWOW, for example. OWOW, a digital development company based in Eindhoven, helps bring our vision to life through the crucial development of our app. As a company, they, too, value the importance of sustainable development.

One of their key focuses for contributing to a better world is by giving back to communities, as demonstrated by their pro bono projects such as KLABU – an organisation that builds sports clubs in refugee camps and creates sportswear to raise funds.

Rewarding Climate Action

We believe that, through our app, we inspire our users to make more sustainable choices in their day to day life. We incentivise them to do so by rewarding them when they make sustainable travel choices (e.g. walking, cycling or using public transport) in order to reduce their carbon footprint.

Thanks to the collaboration with some of our partners, for each kilogram of carbon that a user has reduced, they earn a KORA point, with points then being redeemable for exclusive discounts on real-life sustainable products!

We’re also looking to broaden our focus into other sectors in the future, for example we’re currently looking to expand our carbon measurements into the food and energy sectors alongside transport, which is our current focus.

Encouraging Sustainable Business

Not only do we work with individuals, but we work with businesses, too. With the help of KORA KONNECT, our business-based interface, we help businesses reduce their scope 3 emissions to accelerate their decarbonisation journey.

By utilising our services, businesses can identify emission hotspots, inform decision-making, promote sustainability, engage employees and contribute to global emission reduction targets.

Make a Difference to What Matters

How well does your business match up against the 17 SDGs? If your business doesn’t seem to be weighing up as well as it should be, then worry not – it’s never too late to start implementing more sustainable practices!

KORA KONNECT can help. Providing accurate and verifiable emissions tracking, you can use our interface to identify emission hotspots in your business, create effective strategies to reduce scope 3 emissions, incentivise employees to meet sustainability targets and more. Not only will you be playing your part to meet the sustainable development goals, but you’ll get to enjoy the subsequent benefits of boosting your business’s reputation, attracting new customers, cutting costs and reducing turnover.

Get in touch with us today to arrange a consultancy call or to book a demo, and join us in building a better future.

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