Sustainable Initiatives in Norway: How Can You Follow Suit?

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When we think of sustainability around the world, Norway is a prime and key example of how we can change our cities. Norway is renowned for its commitment to sustainability and active measures that protect the environment. The key focus on carbon reduction has allowed Norway to encompass a range of alternative and sustainable measures in various cities. 

Our blog is here to explain the sustainable steps Norway has taken as a country, and explore how businesses can adopt sustainable approaches too. To find out more, keep on reading. 

Sustainable Initiatives In Norway Explained: The Carbon Reduction Plan, Hydropower & More

It’s no secret that Norway is a great example of alternative energy and sustainable approaches in various aspects, with one of the lowest global carbon footprints. Read below to learn more about some of Norway’s sustainable approaches. 


Almost 96% of all the power generated in Norway comes from hydropower. This renewable source of energy has given Norway access to cheap and clean energy across a majority of areas. Over the last 100 years, over 330 dams have been built in Norway, allowing hydropower to become the predominant energy source. 

The famous mountains and fjords in Norway, alongside their rainy seasons have given them the potential to generate more hydropower than many other countries. Using the natural landscape to their advantage has allowed the country to use more renewable energy than most countries, minimising their carbon footprint by miles. 

Carbon Reduction Plans: Oslo City Center 

In 2015, the Oslo City Council set out to achieve a car free zone in the city by 2019. While there were some hold ups, and this goal may seem impossible, downtown Oslo is now a car-free zone. Cars can still be found on the streets of Oslo, as a complete car ban is still on its way, but for now in downton Oslo, pedestrians, public transport and cyclists now take precedence in this area. 

Although a full car ban hasn’t been implemented just yet, Oslo is still taking steps to increase sustainability. The city has increased the number and size of bike lanes, as well as enforcing pedestrian and cycle zones around market areas. By enhancing the pedestrian and cycle zones, Oslo is still able to reduce the amount of cars passing through the city centre. Parking spaces are also being removed around the city centre to reduce the amount of vehicles passing through too. 

Electric Vehicles 

This goes hand in hand with the carbon reduction efforts in Norway, but the incentives for drivers to purchase electric vehicles has driven up the amount of EV’s on the road. The scheme that has been incentivising electric vehicles includes the following policies: 

  • Tax Systems – Vehicles with high emissions are taxed at a higher rate than vehicles with lower emissions, making EV’s the smart choice. 
  • Charging Infrastructure – By implementing better charging infrastructure across Norway, electric vehicle drivers won’t be put off owning EV’s because of the lack of charging points. Charging stations were implemented every 50 km on all main roads in Norway. 
  • VAT Exemption – Electric car sales are given a VAT exemption, and a 50% rule was introduced, meaning electric vehicle users receive a discount compared to fossil fuel car users. Additionally, Zero Emission Vehicle users are exempt from paying annual road traffic insurance tax. 

Introducing government incentives for electric vehicles has helped Norway to massively reduce its carbon emissions. 

Green Buildings, Infrastructure & Transport 

Norway has utilised smarter technology, building more and more energy efficient buildings all over the country. As a part of their plan to create a more sustainable society, core groups are working on more innovations to try and integrate sustainability into public transport systems too. 

Utilising AI and smarter technology can allow public transportation systems to operate more door to door, and seamless service across the city. This could incentivise more individuals to use public transport, further reducing the emissions produced by petrol, diesel and hybrid cars. 

The Sustainable Destination Scheme

Tourism is an important industry in any country, but it can drastically change the way a country operates. Unsustainable tourism can contribute to a lot of increased pollution, as well as putting stress on local areas. Many commercialised areas become hubs for tourism, and this puts a massive strain on local resources while removing the authenticity of specific areas. 

The sustainable destination scheme is the Nordic region’s only national labelling scheme, for travel destinations with sustainability in mind. When it comes to tourism, the sustainable destination scheme is useful for helping areas sustain tourism while maintaining culture, heritage, communities and more. 

The destinations in this scheme have committed to work more towards sustainable tourism in order to preserve local communities and reduce the carbon footprint caused by tourism industries. So, if you’re looking for small, cosy, authentic travel destinations, using the sustainable destination scheme is a great idea. It also offers great sustainable travel options for nature experiences and beautiful landscapes too. You can read more about the sustainability management of tourism here

How Can We Improve Business Sustainability? 

We’va already discussed some of the brilliant ways in which Norway commits to sustainable practices. From the carbon emission zones to the sustainable destination scheme, it’s clear that sustainability is a key part of Norway’s culture, and how the country operates. But, how can businesses incorporate and adopt more sustainable approaches

Reducing Waste 

Waste audits and waste reduction strategies can help businesses figure out how to reduce waste, up recycling and even strive for a no waste approach. Implementing better recycling programs makes sure that less waste is damaging the environment. 

Many companies are now rethinking and redesigning so that they can achieve a zero waste business. This could mean recycling and reusing waste in house, which helps businesses to save on costs and reduce their waste. 

Renewable Energy 

We already know how energy efficient Norway is, with a majority of the power coming from hydropower, the country has an incredibly low carbon footprint. But how can businesses incorporate this? 

To maintain the use of renewable energy, businesses can look into alternative energy sources, like solar panels to help power their organisations. If businesses decide to invest in renewable energy, they can also upgrade some of their appliances to be more efficient, reducing energy consumption. Appliances can be changed to ones with a lower energy consumption rate, and businesses can try to use energy efficient lighting. Hand in hand with renewable energy sources, this can make businesses much more energy efficient. 


With such great transportation links and precedence for pedestrians and cyclists, businesses can encourage their employees to use alternative methods of transport to get to work. It may be hard to find parking spaces around workplaces in cities, so driving may be a trickier option naturally. Business owners may want to offer cycle to work schemes or install bike racks to encourage employees to reduce their carbon emissions when travelling to and from work. 

For delivery businesses, investing in electric delivery vehicles is an important measure that business owners can take. Additionally, finding the optimal routes and most efficient delivery procedures will help businesses keep their carbon emissions to a minimum. 

Local Produce 

Sourcing local produce is another great way that food and hospitality industries can maintain sustainability. Buying local produce is not only beneficial for the quality and nutrition of your food, but it also protects the environment. 

Reducing the typical travel, transportation and mass harvesting of produce by sourcing food locally can help businesses massively while reducing their carbon footprint. 

KORA Sustainability: Working Towards Business Sustainability Development 

KORA sustainability believes in recognising the efforts made in making our planet greener. OUr mission is to reward people and businesses who are embracing lower carbon living, helping us move towards a more sustainable world at a faster rate. Here at KORA, we are focused on a deeper understanding of carbon emissions, helping people reap the rewards of their sustainable efforts. 

To learn more about our rewards schemes and incentives for businesses, you can check out the KORA website, or get in touch with our team today to learn more. You can also head to the App Store or the Google Play Store to download our app today! 

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