Transport Sustainability: Where We’ve Been & Where We’re Going

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Transport is an essential part of modern day life, where we consistently rely on cars, buses, planes and trains to take us where we need to go. These various modes of transport are in use on a daily basis, where each inevitably contributes to the UK’s production of carbon emissions. As such, sustainable change in the transport sector is a big part of the drive towards current net zero targets.

Investment in public transport, cycling schemes and eco-friendly alternative fuels are all part of the process of decarbonising our everyday journeys. This is essential if the UK is to reach its target of achieving net zero by 2050, meaning that the total greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere would be equivalent to the quantity that is removed. In the long term, this is intended to have a positive impact on our climate by limiting the global warming phenomena.

Transport initiatives are constantly evolving, where current and future projects in the UK are all designed to help us achieve our sustainability targets. Read on to find out more about current green transport schemes, with a look towards the future of decarbonised travel.

Driving Trends In The UK

Car travel is consistently cited as the most popular way to get around in the UK. According to the most recent census findings, 45.1% of residents still travel to work via car. In addition to this the Department for Transport reports that road traffic numbers are projected to increase by 22% from original numbers in 2015 to 2035. This means that if nothing changes, we can expect to see greater inner city congestion and a drastic rise in urban air pollution levels. 

But current trends also indicate that drivers are making the switch to electric or hybrid driving alternatives. Zap Map attests that 23.1% of all new cars sold in January 2024 were either fully electric models or plug-in hybrids, where this indicates consumer interest in making sustainable changes when it comes to everyday transport.

The Roadmap To Net Zero

When it comes to hitting net zero 2050 targets, transport is an essential factor to consider. Current government strategies are looking to move away from a dependence on car travel, where instead investment will be placed on public transport and cycling initiatives in an effort to reduce the number of cars on our roads.

According to the Department for Transport, there are a number of long term initiatives in place to help the UK to steer away from a car-led future. Current plans for the UK consist of:

  • The delivery of a world class cycling and walking network in England by 2040
  • A pledge of 4000 new zero emission buses across the UK
  • Efforts to create a net zero railway network by 2050, with plans to remove all diesel only models from the network by 2040
  • A commitment to phase out dates for new petrol and diesel vehicles, so that electric becomes the new norm
  • The creation of a timeline for decarbonising the UK’s domestic maritime sector
  • Commitments to Jet Zero, a strategy aimed at reaching net zero for UK aviation by the 2050 deadline

All of these plans are designed to boost public transport availability whilst reducing the number of non-electric cars, trains and planes in use in the UK.

Sustainable Transport Across The UK

Many parts of the UK are already demonstrating how popular public transport initiatives can be. Each of these cities have invested in bus routes, cycle schemes and walkable town planning in order to encourage long term sustainable travel habits amongst their residents, where some top examples include:


Edinburgh has paved the way for a greener future with its modern day tram network, where this public transport alternative is a great replacement for road and train journeys through central areas. The city has also invested in the creation of new pedestrianised walkways that work to encourage residents to leave their cars at home.


Bristol offers a comprehensive array of cycling infrastructure to encourage residents to hop on their bikes, where this includes bike lanes and extensive cycle friendly routes. Car sharing schemes and an ambitious local commitment to carbon neutrality are also helping the city to stand out when it comes to sustainability.


Manchester is another major city that boasts an extensive tram network, designed to link popular neighbourhoods and tourist destinations in order to reduce overall congestion levels. Bike sharing efforts and a commitment to pedestrianisation also help to make this city more environmentally friendly.

Prioritise A Sustainable Commute With KORA

One of the most frequently undertaken routes for UK residents is the daily commute to and from work, where these journeys are seen as essential and unavoidable. Even with the rise in hybrid and remote working, the majority of adults will still make a workplace journey more than once a week. This means that commuters are the ideal targets for sustainability schemes, where many would happily swap a congested drive for a quick and affordable journey via public transport.

This is where platforms like KORA come in. You can use the KORA app as a way to encourage your employees to make more sustainable journeys, where this technology can be used to set company wide goals and record real life habit changes. Everyone with the app will be able to log their sustainable switches, where users then earn 1 KORA for every 100 grams of CO2 reduced. For instance, choosing to walk or bike to work will have a measurable impact, all of which can be calculated and recorded within the app. These KORA points can then be redeemed to purchase sustainable goodies, as a palpable incentive to make greener choices on a daily basis.

Choosing KORA is a great way to develop a sustainable image for your business whilst reducing your company’s collective carbon footprint. This positive action can also help you to attract new customers and retain existing employees, all while benefiting the planet. Find out more about the benefits for your business today, or install the app now to get started.

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