Automate the measurement of your employees' commuting (Scope 3), promoting carbon emission reduction, through incentives

KORA: Building a better future for businesses and the planet

Until now, there’s been no easy way to reduce Scope 3 emissions, the indirect emissions that occur through a company’s supply chain. We are committed to helping businesses measure and reduce their scope 3 emissions.

We are a team of passionate experts committed to helping businesses achieve their sustainability goals. We have a proven track record of success and are confident that we can help you achieve your sustainability goals.

KORA empowers your business:

KORA provides verifiable emission tracking. This is particularly significant for your business, given the EU Parliament’s approval of the CSDR mandate, impacting 50,000 companies by introducing environmental reporting for Scope 3 emissions. We achieve this by incentivising employees with KORA tokens. The tokens can be redeemed in KORA’s sustainability focused reward hub.

Through Scope 3 emissions reduction, your business can enhance its reputation, reduce staff turnover, attract new customers, and lower expenses. Several studies reveal that:

  • 70% of employees prefer companies that adopt sustainable practices.
  • 94% of consumers display greater loyalty to transparent companies regarding their environmental and social impact.
  • 60% of investors express intentions to increase investments in sustainability-focused enterprises.

KORA Services: Measurement

We help you show exactly how much your team reducing their carbon footprint – hence your Scope 3 emissions. Our system utilises precise and automated measurements of real-time emissions data, enabling you to reward your employees when they surpass the local real-world baseline.

Our measurement services include:

  • Accurate and automated Scope 3 emissions measurement: We assist businesses in precisely and comprehensively measuring their Scope 3 emissions.
  • Utilising real-time data: KORA leverages the latest emissions data, often in real-time, to reward users for reducing their daily carbon footprint compared to real-world baseline.
  • All data is compared to the relevant country you in, allowing you to demonstrate the positive changes delivered within your community through incentive models.
  • Elevate your greenhouse gas and carbon reporting with targeted campaigns via the KORA app, with the resulting impact displayed in your dashboard.
  • Achieve science-based targets while expanding your market and engaging both new and existing customers who are increasingly concerned about environmental issues.


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KORA Services: Reducing Scope 3 carbon emissions

With KORA you can gamify the scope 3 carbon reduction. By creating competition between groups, and departments, or customised rewards, you can engage your ecosystem in practical actions resulting in reducing your carbon emissions and being part of the leadership in sustainability.

Our carbon emissions reduction services encompass:

  • Crafting and implementing bespoke strategies for Scope 3 emissions reduction.
  • Offering a tailored dashboard or API integration into your existing one, providing scientifically derived measurements directly from the app.
  • Gamifying the process to incentivise your members to meet company-established goals by department, location, or function.
  • Issuing KORA tokens for carbon-reducing achievements that can be redeemed for one-of-a-kind experiences, products, or services.
  • Establishing a transparent, localised individual carbon credit program through the acquisition of KORA tokens from your employees.


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