How Kora Konnekt Simplifies Scope 1 & 3 Mobility Emissions Reporting

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In today’s world, businesses are facing increasing pressure to report their carbon emissions accurately. The complexity of tracking Scope 1 & 3 Travel Emissions has become a major challenge for many organisations. Companies are grappling with the sheer volume of data they need to collect, often relying on employees to fill out complicated forms weekly to report on commuting and work-from-home emissions. This process not only burdens staff but also raises privacy concerns.

Kora Konnekt is changing the game in sustainability reporting. Their innovative approach simplifies the tracking of mobility emissions, making carbon emission accounting more accessible and accurate. By automating the data collection process, Kora Konnekt removes the need for intrusive employee surveys while maintaining data accuracy. This article explores how Kora Konnekt is revolutionising emissions reporting, helping businesses comply with regulations like the GHG Protocol, IFRS S2, and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), all while empowering companies to make a positive impact on the environment.

The Regulatory Landscape of Emissions Reporting

The regulatory landscape for emissions reporting has evolved significantly, with various frameworks and initiatives aimed at standardising sustainability disclosures. These regulations are designed to increase transparency, promote accountability, and drive organisations towards more sustainable practises.

CSRD Requirements

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) has set a new standard for sustainability reporting in the European Union. Adopted in November 2022, the CSRD expands the scope of reporting requirements to nearly 50,000 EU companies, more than quadrupling the number of organisations covered by its predecessor, the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) . The CSRD mandates that companies disclose sustainability information in their management reports, ensuring that financial and non-financial data are published simultaneously .

A key feature of the CSRD is its requirement for companies to have a Paris Agreement-aligned emissions reduction plan to reach net zero by 2050, starting in 2025 . This directive also introduces the need for companies to report on Scope 3 emissions, which are indirect emissions resulting from upstream and downstream activities in the value chain .

UK SECR Framework

In the United Kingdom, the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) policy came into force on 1 April 2019 . This framework builds upon existing requirements and extends reporting obligations to a broader range of businesses, including large unquoted companies and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) .

The SECR aims to encourage the implementation of energy efficiency measures, supporting companies in reducing costs and improving productivity while decreasing carbon emissions . Under this framework, companies must report their global scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions, underlying global energy use, and at least one emissions intensity ratio .

Global Reporting Initiatives

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has been at the forefront of sustainability reporting since 1997. The GRI Standards provide a comprehensive framework for organisations to measure, manage, and report their sustainability performance . These standards cover a wide range of economic, environmental, and social topics, allowing businesses to disclose their impacts in a standardised and transparent manner .

The GRI Standards offer a flexible yet structured approach, enabling organisations to prioritise the most relevant topics for their industry and stakeholders . By applying these standards, companies can enhance their credibility, focus on materiality, and align with global sustainability goals .

Kora Konnekt’s Innovative Approach

Kora Konnekt is revolutionising emissions reporting with its cutting-edge approach, addressing the complexity and sheer volume of data that needs to be collected. Unlike traditional methods that require employees to fill out complicated forms weekly, Kora’s fully automated system simplifies the process while maintaining data accuracy and employee privacy .

Blockchain-Based Data Verification

Kora leverages blockchain technology to enhance transparency and accountability in emissions tracking. This decentralised ledger system ensures data integrity, making it nearly impossible to alter once entered . By utilising Tezos’ blockchain, Kora can better calculate, track, and report carbon footprint reductions across the entire value chain, providing real-time authentication and clear data records .

Integration with Existing Systems

Kora Konnekt seamlessly integrates with existing systems, offering a tailored dashboard or API integration that provides scientifically derived measurements directly from the app . The platform incorporates data from sources like DVLA and RDW, ensuring comprehensive and up-to-date emissions information . This integration allows businesses to track Scope 3 emissions with precision, automating the measurement of employee commuting emissions and promoting carbon reduction through innovative incentive programmes .

Mastering Scope 3 Travel Emissions

Scope 3 emissions, often overlooked, can account for up to 75% of a company’s carbon footprint . These emissions, which include employee commuting, logistics, and business travel, present a significant challenge for businesses aiming to reduce their environmental impact.

Employee Commute Tracking

Tracking employee commuting patterns is crucial for managing Scope 3 emissions. Kora Konnekt offers a fully automated system that simplifies this process, eliminating the need for employees to fill out complicated weekly forms . This approach not only streamlines data collection but also protects employee privacy by allowing anonymity without compromising accuracy.

Business Travel Optimisation

Optimising business travel is another key aspect of managing Scope 3 emissions. Kora Konnekt’s platform provides real-time emissions data, allowing companies to compare their performance against relevant country baselines . This enables businesses to demonstrate positive changes within their communities through targeted incentive models.

By leveraging Kora Konnekt’s innovative approach, companies can enhance their reputation, reduce staff turnover, attract new customers, and lower expenses while effectively managing their Scope 3 travel emissions .


Kora Konnekt’s innovative approach to emissions reporting has a significant impact on the way businesses handle their carbon footprint. By causing a revolution in data collection and analysis, Kora’s fully automated system eliminates the need for employees to fill out complicated forms weekly, protecting their privacy while maintaining data accuracy. This groundbreaking solution not only simplifies the tracking of Scope 1 and 3 emissions but also helps companies comply with evolving regulations like the CSRD, UK SECR, and GRI Standards.

As businesses grapple with the challenge of managing their environmental impact, Kora Konnekt stands out as a game-changer in sustainability reporting. Its use of blockchain technology, machine learning algorithms, and seamless integration with existing systems empowers companies to make informed decisions and demonstrate positive changes within their communities. By streamlining the emissions reporting process, Kora Konnekt enables businesses to focus on what truly matters – making a real difference in the fight against climate change.


1. How can organisations decrease emissions from Scope 3 Category 1?
To effectively reduce Scope 3 Category 1 emissions, businesses can adopt the following strategies:

  • Begin by gathering detailed data on your Scope 3 emissions, as effective management starts with accurate measurement.
  • Support your suppliers in their efforts to become more sustainable.
  • Promote the use of sustainable transport options among your employees.
  • Aim to make your products and their packaging recyclable wherever feasible.

2. What are some effective methods to lower Scope 1 emissions?
Companies can reduce Scope 1 emissions by switching to cleaner energy sources. Consider the use of low-emission or renewable energy alternatives like natural gas, biofuels, or electricity generated from renewable sources for heating, cooling, and production processes.

3. Could you explain what Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions are in simple terms?
Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from sources that a company owns or controls. Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling consumed by the company. Scope 3 emissions, also indirect, result from other sources in a company’s value chain that it does not own or directly control.

4. Why should companies focus on reducing Scope 3 emissions?
Tackling Scope 3 emissions is crucial for a company’s decarbonisation and sustainability efforts. By measuring these emissions, organisations can identify significant emission sources within their value chain and prioritise strategies for reduction. This not only helps in complying with evolving regulatory demands but also supports broader environmental goals.

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